Surgical Procedures


We provide a wide array of Surgical Procedures in our office.

No surgical procedure is routine, however, and we take the utmost care with every patient during every procedure

We do everyday procedures (such as spay and neuter) but also other surgeries, such as Skin Mass removals, Cherry Eye repair and other Eyelid surgery, Anal Gland repair/removal, Fracture Repair, Laceration Repair, Ear Resection and Ablation, Abscess repair, Bite Wound repair, ACL/TPLO Knee Ligament Repair, Knee Cap Luxation repair, Exploratory Abdominal surgery, Foreign Body surgery, Foxtail retrieval and much more.

Our office is equipped with the latest diagnostic and monitoring equipment to make sure that your pet is cared for as you would like them to be.

We have Board Certified Surgical Specialists available for complicated orthopedic and reconstructive surgical cases.

For scheduled surgeries, we require a pre-surgical visit which will include:

  • A physical exam by the doctor.
  • A blood test to minimize the risk of anesthesia and check liver, kidney, and bone marrow function.
  • A discussion of the surgical procedure.
  • Answering any questions you may have about the surgery and potential complications.

Our surgeries include the following:

  • State of the art anesthesia and monitoring equipment for cardiac function, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide buildup, and temperature.
  • Intravenous fluids to maintain kidney function and blood pressure. This also promotes recovery from the procedure.
  • Pain medication before, during and after the surgery.
  • A trained veterinary technician is with your pet during the induction of anesthesia, during the surgical procedure, and during the recovery of your pet in a warm, comfortable, quiet area.
  • A follow up call from the doctor once the surgery has been completed and your pet has recovered from the anesthesia.

In preparation of your pet's surgery, it is best not to give any food 12 hours prior to admittance, water is OK and we do not want you to restrict water. 

Surgery admit time is 7:30AM weekdays. If you need to come in after 7:30AM, special arrangements can be made.

Our goal is to discharge patients on the same afternoon/evening of the surgery. In special circumstances, it may be necessary to hospitalize your pet overnight or to arrange a transfer to our local critical care hospital.

Contact Us

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Hours Of Operation

We look forward to hearing from you.


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm




7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm



